The next thought exercise in which we will indulge is the holographic model of reality.

Precognition, astrology, palm reading, although all wildly inaccurate as means of deciphering the Cosmic Script of life, do tend to indicate that various means may exist by which the whole can be seen through an examination of a part. That is to say that within the microcosm can be seen the macrocosm. This is precisely the case in the modern science of holography, which is used in the products and processes in our day to day lives. An examination and extrapolation of this science allows us to better understand the Oneness or Union, which we are trying to envisage.

By physically taking the minutest portion of a common hologram, we can recreate the entire hologram. So in life, by studying any fraction of the events of the cosmos, all of existence can be clearly recreated and observed. Any event in one’s life, from the state of the stars at the time of his birth, to the state of his palm print, to the way in which he chooses a set of playing cards, contains his entire life script, just as each tiniest fragment of a hologram contains all of the information of the entire hologram. Life can analogously be modeled as a four dimensional hologram, with the fourth dimension being that of time. We are only just beginning to understand how such microcosmic events can be studied and interpreted to reflect the entire macrocosm.

Similarly, a hologram of a group of people standing together, gives the obvious impression of separate people in a single image. Yet we find that in each separate person in the image, we also find all of the information required to reproduce the entire hologram - including all of the other “separate” individuals pictured in the hologram. Anagorically, in nature, all of humanity can be thought of as being present in each individual. Separateness and individuality can be seen as an illusionary extrapolation of one’s self. The four dimensional hologram of life is merely a play in which each person has a pre-defined role.

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