In space-time, everything which for each of us constitutes the past, the present, and the future is given en-bloc…Each observer as his time passes, discovers so to speak, new slices of space-time which appear to him as successive aspects of the material world, though in reality the ensemble of events constituting space-time exist prior to his knowledge of them.

Louis de Broglie, quoted in P.A. Schipp, op. Cit., pg. 114

Having demonstrated the fundamental unity of the universe, and the illusory nature of time itself, we are now compelled to contemplate a totally new way of looking at our world. We can now see a universe unaffected by time. A universe where the events of yesterday, our emotions, our actions, our thoughts, our yearnings, our uncertainties, our aspirations, our confusions, have all existed since the beginning of creation and will always continue to exist. Similarly, tomorrow is here now and always will be.

Each thought, emotion, action, like a single frame in a massive multidimensional film reel (a film composed of trillions of beautiful unchanging frames in thousands of dimensions) has existed always and shall exist always. The illusion of temporally spaced reality is created merely by our narrowly focused beam of awareness as it passes over each frame in the movie reel.

As we begin to draw our gaze back from the wonder of each individual frame we begin to see the still greater wonder of all the adjacent frames simultaneously. Those frames which we would have previously referred to as “future” frames become “real” now, and we begin to see that each frame has always existed and is not really being created as it is viewed. Rather, each frame is only being experienced by the “personal” self as it is being viewed. Hence we can now let go of our perception of time as being a linear phenomenon after appreciating the illusory nature of time.

As we further detach our awareness, we realize that we are not the object of our awareness (these bodies of which we are aware), but rather something beyond that. And still further, we observe that this “awareness” is again merely an aspect of our unified selves and not the individual self, but rather something of which the individual self is also aware.

As we are now able to view the movie reel from a detached perspective, we are also able to gain a realization of the unchangeable script of the movie. A script which is not to be altered but rather played out to the best of an actor’s abilities with the greatest enthusiasm and vigor that he can summon.

We are able to detach ourselves from the rewards and consequences of the actions of the actors in each movie frame of whom we are aware and with whom our awareness identifies most strongly (typically ourselves), and we begin instead to identify with the beauty of the movie as a whole, a movie which is creation itself.

So where does this leave us ? Having condemned time, space, free-will and ego to a trivial dream, an illusory nothingness, what shall now become our foundation, our frame of reference, our anchor of reality in our day to day lives? Are we to be left dangling in a timeless, space-less universe? Of what practical value is this “deeper reality” here and now?

Over the years, through careful practice of the thought exercises, through deep introspection, and through ego-less contemplation, we slowly cease to become dependent addicts to ego, free will, time and space. Our anchor becomes the vivid, blissful, reality of the primordial Eternal Self within. We become free. We cease to be mercilessly tossed about by the winds of change and time. We are able to tranquilly and contentedly live in the world, but are not of it. We become detached observers of the magnificent and perfect beauty of the creative play of our greater Selves as well as ego-less actors within that play. The blissful freedom that we then experience is not the free will of the individual self, but rather, the creative freedom of the primordial greater Self – the original creator. The individuality that we perceive is no longer that of the individual self, but rather, the One-ness of that same primordial Inner Self, creatively expressing itself in the play of Nature and Humanity.

But there is yet another and perhaps even more startling consequence to our new understanding of the deeper mechanics of reality. Once we have fully internalized the reality of the One-ness of all of space and time, once this realization has fully detached our awareness from the bonds of the ego of the individual self, once awareness is firmly rooted in the totality of the Cosmos, of what consequence is the dissolution of the transient body of the individual self to which awareness had previously been so addicted ? The answer is none. The result is the awakening of immortality.

The cosmic energy of awareness, originating from, and latent within, the primordial singularity of the Big Bang, which through our explanations of the One-ness of time and space, we have shown to be our own true selves, is ever-present, everywhere, and has been so since the creation of time. As has been shown in the preceding pages, it is impossible for our true selves to be anything other than this same greater Self, ever perfect and eternal. We are not speaking here of religious paradigms such as reincarnation and transmigration of the soul. Rather, through the extrapolation of known scientific principles, we have now shown that through the conscious detachment of awareness from the individual self, we are able to achieve an awareness of our true and greater Self (not “selves”) – the Union of all space and time.

This awakening of immortality requires no secret mantras, no Gurus or Messiahs, no powerful potions or magic, but rather, simply the quiet surrender and release of awareness from its attachment to the individual ego, which is fuelled by its addiction to sensory stimulation’s. This is the awakening of immortality and the death of transmigration.

In our quest to evolve beyond the realm of physical reality into the realm of the deeper reality of spirituality and ultimate Union, there can in truth, be no instruction and no Guru’s. Here, beyond the realm of physics, the three dimensional process of intellectualization and semantical expression (which are required for instruction) begin to fail us and detailed instruction becomes futile. Instead, each of us must work alone to overcome our addictions to our ego and individuality, because this addiction has knotted its way into each of us differently. Here, deep introspection, contemplation and constant practice of the thought exercises are the only antidotes. Here the only Guru is the timeless, dimensionless, primordial Eternal Greater Self Within. Without beginning, without an end, uncreated, and yet the source of all creation, He is the only true reality and the ultimate Union.

In this book, we have tried, both through extrapolation of scientific principles and through mind expanding exercises, to visualize a deeper reality. However, in our endeavor to intellectualize the nature of reality, we become trapped by the very animal we are stalking. The process of intellectualization, is subject to the same pre-defined deterministic forces about which we are intellectualizing. It is therefore necessarily, a view from within, subject to the same delusive forces of time, space and energy to which we are otherwise subject. Until we can look upon the entire system from the outside, independent of the forces which govern the system we are examining, the examination will be fundamentally flawed and our intellectualization can be at best, only a limited success. Simply put, it is a matter of relative perspective. The awareness of this critical limit of the process of “thought” is crucial.

This book, this very passage included, is part of that inherently flawed process. It is only a strenuous attempt to push the intellectualization process to the outer limits of the forces which bind it and thereby gain a glimpse of the true nature of our universe, the mechanics of reality, the critical limits of ‘mind’, and the distant road leading to true understanding, the road to ultimate Union.

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