Another word, to borrow from Eastern philosophy, for the cosmic formula, or quantum field, is Karma. A slightly different way of looking at the deterministic formula of the Big Bang is to describe it in terms of Karma. All thoughts and desires generated by the mind are a result of this Karma, and each such thought or desire is the cause of additional future events or more Karma. Such thoughts and desires are the seeds for future Karmic events. In order to free one’s self from the determinism of the universe of Karma, it is necessary to cease to focus one’s self on thoughts and desires which are reactions to past events. In a sense, one must cultivate the ability to allow other’s thoughts and actions, their Karma, to pass through one’s self rather than enter one’s consciousness where such Karma is further amplified and is radiated back out to generate additional Karma’s. Once we have ceased our Karma’s, total fusion into, or unity with the universe becomes possible.

We have proposed that once we establish equilibrium with the cosmos (or in other words, an understanding of our inner Union with it), external events will cease to disturb our daily lives just as the occurrence of bad dreams disappear once we have extinguished the inner disturbance in our psyche of which those dreams were a reflection. However, this again requires a massive paradigm shift which each of us is ill equipped to make, but of which we can begin to catch a glimpse if we utilize some simple thought exercises.

The events which surround us can be understood (either literally or conceptually for the sake of the thought exercise), as forms of energy. We can deal with the effects of this energy in any one of three ways. The first most common way is to reflect it back into society as soon as it reaches us. For example, someone hits you (again either literally or metaphorically) and you simply hit him back. In this way, actions, or energies, once initiated remain in play forever, always causing some form of cause and effect. As a result, each of us becomes purely a function of the external reflected energies or actions spinning around us. The cycle is perpetual. The second way, is to absorb the energy and store it for future use ( someone hits you and you bide your time until you can get him back later in some clever way). Both of these approaches sow the seeds of further action and reaction by reflecting actions back into the play of life either mentally or physically and hence perpetuate the explosion of algorithmic determinism which we are now trying to better understand. The third way, is to allow the energy to transparently pass through us without altering us in any way and without reflecting any portion of that energy back into society. As Jesus Christ (among other spiritual leaders) had taught, “turn the other cheek”. Now something unexpected and almost magical happens. We are able to allow the acts of day to day life to pass through us without retaining unnecessary memories or emotions of those events (except when they are required - such as remembering you have a appointment at 3pm Tuesday). We are allowed to continue to work out our inner angst and other emotions by experiencing but not reacting to, the actions and events around us. Because we are no longer encumbered by the weight of useless emotions and memories, and as such, because massive amounts of energy are no longer wasted on focusing on future and past events, all of our energy can be concentrated on absorbing the present moment. Life comes vivid and full of detail, which was previously missed in our confusion of conflicting thoughts and emotions. Life is Lived ! But something else also happens. As we have hypothesized earlier, in the microcosm lies the macrocosm. By allowing ourselves to pay greater attention to the moment, we begin to get a glimpse of something greater. Within the moment, something much larger resides.

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