Despite our constant desire to change our circumstances and to improve our lives, we must realize that all creation and events created by the Big Bang are inherently perfectly harmonious in every way. It is only when we learn to actively listen to the script that the quantum field (our Greater Self) dictates to us that we begin to see the harmony in an otherwise seemingly disharmonious world.

As in any harmonious object, such as a great painting , story or play, there must be a balance, for example, of pathos and humor. As such, any such play or painting must be taken in its entirety in order to behold and appreciate its beauty and harmony. An attempt to eradicate the scenes of high drama and pathos from a great play would be analogous to removing all of the “dark colors” from a great painting in order to try to ‘beautify it’. Of course, this would be ludicrous, and would ruin the painting or play entirely. We have seen evidence of just such thinking in every religion when a messiah has come forth. Such messiah’s inevitably chose to fail to end all misery, pain, corruption and treachery from the region. We are then compelled to wonder why, when such messiahs could have easily (whether in mythology or in reality) with the wave of a hand invoked the Lord’s name to cause such “injustices” to cease immediately, they did not do so. These Messiahs were deliberate in allowing the miseries and injustices of the world to continue because they presumably would have known that such perceived miseries and injustices are really like the colors of our painting. All such colors are necessary to create a meaningful painting and a meaningful life.

The distinction between misery and pleasure, good and evil, and other such dualities is yet another form of artificial psychological ‘patterning’ which we have created by ‘habit’ as a result of the external influences of physiology, heredity, parenting and so forth. Indeed it is just such duality, which serves as the catalyst for further reactions in the cosmic formula. A key goal of both meditative as well as introspective techniques is to break the patterning which creates the illusion of such duality and prevents us from seeing (and living) the beauty of the whole.

In a deterministic unified universe, duality such as right and wrong, good and evil, and so on, are illusory concepts borne of conditioning and patterning in the psyche of mankind. They have no fundamental meaning or reality of their own. All actions, whether perceived and labeled as good or bad, honorable or dishonorable, blend together to form the rich canvas of life experience on which humanity is constantly painting. The individual benefits equally from all events around him whether he realizes it at the time or not, so as to become independent from the influences of success, failure, wealth, sorrow, pain and pleasure such that his thoughts and actions can be pure, and not simply constant slave-like reactions to the external stimuli around him. Only in this way can he become free in spirit.

The only important thing is that the actions of individuals do not in the long run suffocate the mechanisms for freedom of expression for himself or others, for this is the basis for experience and growth needed for his fellow mankind.

Indeed as long as one is alive, and partaking of the fruits of the earth, and of the deeds of humanity, one has a duty to give back to the earth at least as much as one consumes so as to ensure the continuation of the cosmic play of life.

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