The ancients saw a portion of the self in every element of the universe. Each plant, animal and every event was a lesson about the nature of the self. Carrying forward the concept (which we have developed in the preceding chapters) of the Union of Humanity and the Cosmos to its extreme, it stands to reason, that we are all one and the same. Each man is a part of every other in a most intimate non-abstract way. This is a concept that is psychologically almost impossible for us to fathom, let alone internalize. As a starting point, let us conduct a mental exercise that will allow us to at least begin to ponder the consequences of a more intimate union between our fellow man.

In this exercise, we shall begin to see every man, woman, child (and as far as possible everything else in the cosmos) as a reflection of some aspect of our selves. This is a first small step toward a consciousness of all of the elements of the cosmos being one and the same as ourselves.

Just as in dreams, external reality can be useful in serving as a reflection of our inner psyche. Just as in the case of dreams, a deeper analysis of the events, which manifest themselves in our lives, can lead to resolution of deep inner conflicts and angst, but on a far deeper level than those reflected by actual dreams. The student of this mental exercise will find that as those innermost conflicts are slowly resolved, the need for the reflection of those inner disturbances cease to manifest themselves and both a greater inner as well as outer peace is achieved.

A sense of distance and detachment towards others gives way to a sense of understanding and greater inner peace. After several months, understanding gives way to compassion. After a year, compassion gives way to bonding. After some years, bonding gives way to a sense of oneness, which is the first step towards a realization that an awareness of the true Union of mankind and the cosmos may in fact be a attainable goal.

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