The New Meta-Physics & Spirituality of Ancient Yoga



Yoga is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning “union” or “one-ness” of all things in the universe. Meta is from the Greek, which means to “transcend onto a higher level”. Meta-Yoga is a 21st century renaissance of the original science of Yoga, resurrecting its deepest roots, and transcending the reader onto a higher level of awareness of Yoga as the holistic science of union, that the ancient Rishis, the creators and masters of Yoga, had intended it to be in ancient times, and from which all other forms of Yoga - Hatha, Raja, Pranayama, and so on, ultimately sprang forth as a practical means of achieving harmony with our world and within ourselves. Meta-Yoga deftly projects the ancient principles of Yoga against the modern backdrop of quantum mechanics and relativity theory in an easy to understand manner, providing a non-sectarian, religiously neutral, step-by-step guide for realizing our one-ness with all things in the universe and awakening the “Eternal Self” within.

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